
My childhood friends were Kläre Kahn, Egon Steinhardt, Walter Bach, and Lutz David. Egon and Walter and Kläre did not survive the war, but Lutz ended up in the U.S. Knowing now what happened to those other kids (and thousands like them), I realize that my parents showed extraordinary foresight and courage in sending us abroad.

It was Lisa’s idea to visit the places of my childhood with me. Historians love site visits, and I, knowing that she’s intrigued by her international ancestry, jumped at her invitation.

Whatever happened to that brash 13-year-old
who shamelessly threw her arms around my neck
and locked the gaze of her hazel eyes on mine?

Our drill included tending the dogs—feeding, watering, and scooping—before breakfast. The pens are a cacophony of canine vocalization. Forty or sixty dogs awaiting food, and the activity to follow, can be mighty boisterous.
Read A Different Kind of Vacation…
Read about Herb’s travels…

I’m apprehensive as Tuesday approaches. That’s my morning in Family Court, where I’ve been working weekly as a volunteer mediator for almost ten years — almost five hundred days — almost a thousand cases.